AI -- friend, or foe?

07 May 2024

I. Introduction

The expansion of AI continues to integrate within the educational experience. In an environment of learning where concepts move faster than the content provided. AI is useful in bridging the gap between time and effort. In the realm of software engineering the utilization of AI may be practiced the same. That is in expediting processes in finding solutions for complex problems. As well as delivering structured navigational guidelines through solutions for deeper understanding. The AI tool which I have used is ChatGPT.

II. Personal Experience with AI:

I have used AI in class this semester in the following areas:

III. Impact on Learning and Understanding:

Using AI has enhanced my learning experience through its assistance in presenting information that isn’t readily available. As mentioned, although extended research is necessary, utilizing AI has been helpful by enhancing my learning potential. I understand that there is also the risk of creating a sense of reliance upon AI solutions, and so to maintain my own comprehension and skill development I intentionally try to keep AI as a last resort resource. Any challenges it has presented are probably for the better because it pushes me to seek more reliable answers knowing that AI is not always right.

IV. Practical Applications:

There are surely many benefits to implementing AI into real-world projects, etc. Discoveries have been made improving medical advances, and others in forensics as well as software development. Utilizing AI to conquer challenges may be an efficient approach. Yet I stand by my own experience, and that is, regardless of the solution further research is necessary. Without connection to that knowlege we can become a victim of what was never understood by our own hands.

V. Challenges and Opportunities:

AI has potential in being a learning resource if approached with a focused question. Otherwise it becomes a rabbit hole of information that pulls you further from a possible answer. The opportunity is that it is possible to learn certain things faster through generalized responses. Yet the challenge is that often the responses are repetative and not quite substantial, and so further research is required.

VI. Comparative Analysis:

Traditional teaching methods are greater than AI-enhanced approaches. Personally, I prefer to engage with my learning experience in a class setting and amongst peers. AI mainly helped with learning things that I would have wanted to spend more time understanding in class. Through my experience in using AI for learning I did not find it to be practical in skill development.

VII. Future Considerations:

Integrating AI in software engineering education may be useful with practical implication. Otherwise reliant programmers may trend themselves out of being reliable employees. Advancements in learning can be embraced where complex learning is met with time constraints between modules within a semester. Ethical challenges arise regarding quality of work, and its origin.

VIII. Conclusion:

From my current experience in using AI, I think that it has a place in the learning experience of software engineering. However it should not replace the traditional learning methods (just yet). I find it to be an enhancing tool to usher learning of concepts but still requires extended research. I imagine that other AI tools will be developed and may adhere to traditional practices moving me to later dismiss my own current opinion. Such tools would optimize learning potential in ways that bridge the gap in learning within fast-paced environments.